Visatupa is located 4 km west from road E75, 83 km north from Rovaniemi and 56 km south from Sodankylä.
Nearest bus stop is in Raudanjoki, where we can pick you up to Visatupa.
If you travel with public transportation, take a bus driving to Sodankylä/Ivalo. Most of the busses driving to between Sodankylä and Rovaniemi are scheduled to the trains arrival/departure. These busses stop also in Rovaniemi airport, if necessary.
You can find busses timetable on website. Destination bus stop - Raudanjoki road junction, road 4 (Sodankylä)
You can use also the Skibus, which drives from Rovaniemi to Luosto and Pyhä skicenters. These busses are scheduled for arrivals and departures of the flights in Rovaniemi.
We can also provide private transportation from/to Rovaniemi.
Seipäjärventie 409
99510 Raudanjoki
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